History of Nursing as a profession
护理学essay代写 Qualified nursing occupies a prominent place in the framework of medical services. As people emerging from intensive care…
Qualified nursing occupies a prominent place in the framework of medical services. As people emerging from intensive care, 3.1 million national ministers work in integrated and sectoral areas and are the ultimate providers that provide medical services managers. While most assistants work in areas of intensive care such as medical clinics, the competence of skills and attendants positively enhances the divisions of past medical clinics. Working freely with other medical services professionals, the guards improve the sound of individuals, families and networks (Egenes, 2017).
INTUITIVE PERIOD (Medieval Period)
- Nursing was a place for women to work with children, wiped out and raised.
- You believe that illness causes an attack on a cruel soul using black magic or voodoo.
- He believed that the healer was called a shaman or a magician with magical powers.
- They also work to reduce or drill skull openings with stone or stone without softening if all else fails to drive underground air.
- They believe that in using women’s clothing in boys they get bad habits away from them
- Prohibition of the analysis of the deceased’s body as an ancestral love
- Provide global knowledge on pharmacology
- Nursing was the work of an undeveloped slave
- Launched caduceus, a clinic badge for clinics today
- Hippocrates was given the title “Father of Medical Science”. He made great strides in medicine by dispelling the notion that sickness is a heavenly cause. He also developed client testing policies, set up clinical guidelines, and identified the need for monitors(Donahue, 1985).
APPRENTICE PERIOD (middle Ages) 护理学essay代写
- Also called working time preparation.
- Nursing care is done without proper training and people are joined by experienced health care providers.
- The religious precepts of the Christian church responded to the advancement of this type of nursing.
- Strict military orders establish clinics set up by men
- The Knights of Lazarus were also founded primarily on the care of outsiders in Jerusalem after the Christians conquered the city.
- Religious restrictions and community limitations have impacted on nurses’ hour of nursing order. Hospitals were in poor condition and beds were in disrepair.
- There was overcrowding: 3 or 4 patients who did not pay attention to the determination in any situation, may have slept in one bed.
- The practice of natural disinfection and asepsis was absent(Elhabashy, 2019).
- Older nuns begged and looked after those who had been cleared, while younger monks washed dirty things, especially in streams
- Catherine of Siena. Principal “Woman with Lights”. She was raised by a medical clinic, a prophetess, a commentator and rehabilitator for the community and the church.
- In the sixteenth century, clinics were built to cater for the displaced when emergency clinics were deserted, dark, airless and unhealthy. People go into medical clinics willingly or if everything else fails(Hmissa, 2017).
EDUCATIVE PERIOD (19th-20th Century) 护理学essay代写
The advancement of nursing during this period has undoubtedly contributed to the patterns of warfare, from the joys of public awareness, to the liberation of girls and to the increasing opportunities offered to girls. The popularity of the Nightingale system thinking and the importance of nursing training and Hospital connections. Nurses who teach junior students. Health education as a basic activity. Certified doctor orders. Extension to number and schools going to North America. Professionalism is made (Turner, 2005).

Facts about Florence Nightingale
Professional nursing usually starts with Florence Nightingale. Songbird, a girl with experience in British security, challenged social media shows and chose to become a medical director. Foreign nursing, either in medical clinics or in their own homes, at that time was not considered a good name for the most advanced women, who, in the event that they wished to be fed, had to do so due to the disability of family and private friends. From drifting away from these ideas, Nightingale has come to realize that knowledgeable women, who apply sound principles and trained training in healthy living practices, can greatly improve the consideration of exterminated patients. Shortly after their appearance, Nightingale and his ministers reorganized the military enclosures of the nineteenth-century science: dividers were cleaned to disinfect, windows open to air, support prepared meals and supplies, and drugs and medicines were well managed.
Within a few weeks the pigeons, and officials could not be cleansed at this time by the undeniable diseases from the poor hygienic conditions (Donahue, 1985). Within months the grateful community is aware of what has been done with the “Lady with the Lamp,” who works daily to repair the erased and injured. Before the end of the nineteenth century, the whole Western world shared Nightingale’s self-confidence in the number of trained medical professionals. Songbird’s success has dominated other ways of feeding the weak. During epidemics, such as cholera, typhus, and smallpox, men performed intensive nursing services. For example, Stephen Girard, a wealthy French investor, won the hearts of the citizens of his bustling city of Philadelphia with his treacherous care and attention to those who had suffered from the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 (Turner, 2005).
Scientific and technological advances such as changing friendships mark this period ü Establishment of WHO. Use of nuclear/thermal energy for detection and treatment. Use of refined gear for conclusion and treatment. Health is seen as the basic inclusion of kindergarten in the health environment is greatly increased. Development of increased workload for medical caregivers. Practicing nursing in the Philippines Early Beliefs and Practices in the Philippines. Beliefs about the cause of illness (evil spirits or enemy). People accept that disgusting spirits can be manipulated by people who have the power to remove evil. The people put the power of God’s power to correct, with the physician and Herbolarios. Beliefs and beliefs such as socialism and disorder, for example, Herbmen or Herbicheros as a practicer of magic. People who get sick for no apparent reason are accepted to be bewitched by “mangkukulam” (Egenes, 2017).
Improving the extended part of a medical professional. The employee always accepts the obligations in a tolerable thinking that was the only doctor’s job in the past. Nursing became a unique profession due to the discovery of the practice of nursing. It is increasing with the progress of the developed world in the developing world (Hmissa, 2017). Modern nursing is established in the past by a combination of time, specific circumstances and philosophical patterns that prevail that focus on the various periods of human history. The nursing center is a care organization, and the beginnings of nursing return to a larger and more human existence.
After that, past cultural concerns and past nursing recordings have influenced the formation of modern nursing, and they are likely to continue to influence future nursing advances. In the late 90’s and early 21st century, although new ideas and models emerged, interest in interpreting the concept of current nursing speculation began to wane, the demand for one significant nursing hypothesis began to diminish and another round of nursing discussions began (Turner, 2005).
References 护理学essay代写
Hmissa, W., & Zempinski, J. (2017).http://www.fgcu.edu/Aquila/files/3-2_Hmissa_et_al_Environmental_Surface_Sampling_for_Methicillin_Resistant_Staphylococcus_aureus_(MRSA).pdf. Aquila: The FGCU Student Research Journal, 3(2). doi: 10.24049/aq.3.2.7
Egenes, K. J. (2017). History of nursing. Issues and trends in nursing: Essential knowledge for today and tomorrow, 1-26.
Mason, D. J., Isaacs, S. L., & Colby, D. C. (Eds.). (2011). The nursing profession: development, challenges, and opportunities.
Donahue, M. P. (1985). Nursing: The finest art, an illustrated history. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 85(12), 1352.
Elhabashy, S., & Abdelgawad, E. M. (2019). The history of nursing profession in ancient Egyptian society. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 11, 100174.
Turner, P. (2005). Critical thinking in nursing education and practice as defined in the literature. Nursing Education Perspectives, 26(5), 272-277.