金融final exam代考 EXAM DURATION: 2 hours and 40 minutes (inclusive of reading, upload and download time) Missing the deadline is heavily penalised…
How long is the BFF5250 final examination?
EXAM DURATION: 2 hours and 40 minutes (inclusive of reading, upload and download time) Missing the deadline is heavily penalised: 1 mark per minute.
Is the BFF5250 final examination open book? 金融final exam代考
Plagiarism is forbidden. Students risk expulsion if they plagiarise. You cannot copy and paste your answers from the book or the lecture notes.
Yes, the BFF5250 examination is open book this semester and the exam will be delivered online using the Moodle platform. You may be required to provide short answers in certain questions, and we will be specifically monitoring, during our grading process, that such answers have not been merely cut and pasted from various sources. In addition, we will be using similarity-detection software (e.g. Turnitin or MOSS) to compare work to other student submissions and/or online or published content; such software may retain a copy of the work for future similarity detection.
When is the BFF5250 final examination?
The final exam (end of semester assessment) will be held during the official examination period – please check your student timetable for the start time (this will be at Australian Eastern Standard time AEST). The assessment will be delivered through the Moodle Quiz platform.
Where can I access my exam and what if I encounter issues?
A link is available on the Unit Moodle site.
If issues are encountered during the exam, please contact:
(1) Issues seeking clarity with a question please contact the Chief Examiner via +61-3-9903-4581
(2) Technical system issues please contact +61 3 9903 2777
What calculator is permitted for use in the exam? 金融final exam代考
Any model calculator can be used.
Is there a hurdle requirement for BFF5250?
There is a hurdle requirement in this unit. There is a requirement that the student must attain a mark of at least 45% in this final summative assessment task.

A student’s final mark is normally the sum of the marks obtained in all of the individual assessment items in the unit. Where a student fails the unit solely because of failure to satisfy the hurdle requirement, a mark of 45 (NH) will be returned for the unit.
Refer to the following regarding student safety net for semester 1, 2022.
Monash University recently established an Academic Safety Net working group – made up of students and staff members of the Academic Board – to make recommendations to the Academic Board about grading matters.
Refer to Factsheet for full details.
Is a formula sheet available for the BFF5250 final examination? 金融final exam代考
Yes. The formula sheet which has been available on Moodle since teaching week one is the formula sheet you will be getting on the day of the final exam.
Is the formula sheet comprehensive?
No. However, sufficient formulae are provided to enable you to comfortably attempt all calculation questions in the final examination.
Do I need to know any additional formulae not provided on the formula sheet?
The more you know, the better you will perform. However, all questions can be attempted with the formulae provided on the formula sheet.
What if I am sick on the day of the final examination?
Do NOT contact the Chief Examiner to apply for special consideration. Any applications received will be sent to the CE after applications have been lodged online using the link below.
Important-Academic Integrity 金融final exam代考
Please refer to the BFF5250 Moodle site under Unit Guide.
Release of Results
Results will be published at the university wide prescribed date. It is BaF Department guideline that there should be no communication between students and academic teaching staff about exam after the exam and before results are released. It is important to abide by this policy, so the integrity of the exam process is not impacted.
Health and Well being
I understand this is a stressful time of year and encourage you to contact student health and well-being if you feel you need to discuss any anxieties you may be facing. Please refer to the following link:
Exam Viewing
Feedback on your performance in exams is provided in three stages at Monash Business School: 金融final exam代考
• Stage 1
Unit Summary Feedback – general exam/final assessment feedback, available on your Moodle site once official results are released.
• Stage 2
Exam review – apply online, once applications open on this web page, then receive advice on how to book your remote review session
• Stage 3
If – after completing the first 2 stages (where you viewed the unit summary feedback and reviewed your exam) – you still require more information about your performance, you may submit a written request for further feedback from your Chief Examiner.
• For full details refer to the exam performance and feedback procedures adopted within the Business School: